Vasaros paslaugų paketai
Atsižvelgdamas į savo užimtumą ir žinių lygį pasirink vieną iš siūlomų paslaugų paketų, kuris tinka tiek virtualiems, tiek gyviems užsiėmimams nuo liepos 1 d. iki rugpjūčio 31 d.

210 € 10 ak. val.
260 €*
Esant poreikiui, papildomo užsiėmimo kaina yra 21 €
Norintiems pakartoti ar įtvirtinti vieno mokyklinio dalyko žinias.

400 € 20 ak. val.
520 €*
Esant poreikiui, papildomo užsiėmimo kaina yra 20 €
Turintiems daugiau spragų vienoje mokyklinėje disciplinoje ar norintiems įtvirtinti kelių dalykų žinias.

570 € 30 ak. val.
780 €*
Esant poreikiui, papildomo užsiėmimo kaina yra 19 €
Turintiems daugiau spragų iš kelių mokyklinių dalykų ir siekiantiems pasivyti savo bendraamžius.
*Įprasta kaina skaičiuojama atsižvelgiant į Alfa klasės gyvų pamokų įkainius.
Vieno 45 minučių užsiėmimo kaina vasaros laikotarpiu - 22 €
Kodėl verta mokytis vasarą?
Lankstus užsiėmimų tvarkaraštis
Vasarą užsiėmimų laiką galima lanksčiai derinti su savo korepetitoriumi. Nėra griežtų praleidimo apribojimų, pakanka atšaukti užsiėmimą bent 24 val.
iki jo pradžios.
Žinių lygio palaikymas
Kaip rodo moksliniai tyrimai, jei vasaros atostogų metu moksleiviai visiškai nesimoko, iki naujų mokslo metų pradžios jie praranda tiek akademinių žinių, kiek įgyti joms praėjusiais mokslo metais prireikė net mėnesio. Vasarą vykstantys užsiėmimai yra puiki proga užtikrinti, kad sėkmingai pasiruoši artėjantiems mokslo metams.
Mažesnė kaina
Įsigijęs pasirinktą paslaugų paketą už užsiėmimus mokėsi mažesnę kainą nei įprastai. Esant poreikiui, papildomo užsiėmimo įkainis bus skaičiuojamas pagal pasirinkto paketo nuolaidą.

Kaip pasinaudoti paketu?

Užsisakęs paketą gausi elektroninį laišką su instrukcijomis, kaip atlikti mokėjimą.

Atlikęs pavedimą per septynias darbo dienas sulauksi patvirtinimo.

Rezervuodamas užsiėmimus nurodyk, kurį paketą užsisakei.
Užsisakęs vienkartinius užsiėmimus už juos atsiskaitysi mėnesio pabaigoje.
Kas yra Alfa Klasė?
Nuo 2017 m. veikianti korepetitorių mokykla. Čia suteikiame moksleiviams galimybę gilintis į norimas mokomąsias disciplinas kartu su individualiai parinktais mokytojais.
Mūsų korepetitoriai yra jaunatviški savo srities profesionalai, studijuojantys arba baigę prestižinius Lietuvos ir užsienio universitetus bei dirbantys privačiose ir valstybinėse mokyklose. Siūlome visų mokyklinių disciplinų pamokas, tačiau moksleiviai Alfa klasėje ruošiasi ne tik kontroliniams darbams. Papildomai ruošiame stojamiesiems į gimnazijas, olimpiadoms bei mokyklos baigimo egzaminams.

Apie mus kalba
Kamtauta Braškė, nuomonės formuotoja
„Ačiū korepetitoriams, kurie yra savo srities profesionalai, sugeba sudominti. Su mokytojais Milė bendrauja labai draugiškai, kartu atranda juokelių, kad mokslas nebūtų toks rimtas, o kad vaikas norėtų eiti į pamoką. Tikrai labai rekomenduoju išbandyti Alfa klasės pamokas, nes jos tikrai labai daug duoda.“
Daugiau atsiliepimų galite rasti:

How do I add a new question & answer?To add a new FAQ follow these steps: 1. Click “Manage FAQs” button 2. From your site’s dashboard you can add, edit and manage all your questions and answers 3. Each question and answer should be added to a category 4. Save and publish.
Can I insert an image, video, or gif in my FAQ?Yes. To add media follow these steps: 1. Enter the app’s Settings 2. Click on the “Manage FAQs” button 3. Select the question you would like to add media to 4. When editing your answer click on the camera, video, or GIF icon 5. Add media from your library.
How do you select and prepare your tutors?Each tutor undergoes a rigorous screening process. In order to start working with us, each tutor submits required documentation, meets our hiring manager for multiple interviews and completes an academic task. If successfully hired, each tutor undergoes training with our academic team.
How do I edit or remove the “FAQ” title?You can edit the title from the Settings tab in the app. If you don’t want to display the title, simply disable the Title under “Info to Display”.
Can I choose my own tutor?Our administrative team is here to find you the best match with a tutor based on your availability, personality, and academic aspirations. If there is a specific tutor you have in mind, feel free to let our customer support team know and we will do our best to match you!
How long is a typical tutoring session?Each of our tutoring lessons are of one academic hour (45 minutes) duration. However, the duration can be customised based on your needs. Typically, students tend to have 60 minutes or 90 minute long tutoring sessions.
What materials do I need for the session?You will need a computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection, a microphone, and a webcam. In some cases, you may also need textbooks, notes, or other materials specific to your subject
Is there a limit to the number of sessions I can schedule?There is no limit to the number of sessions you can schedule. We are available to provide tutoring services as needed.
How do you ensure the safety and security of my personal information?We take the privacy and security of your personal information seriously. We use industry-standard security measures and protocols to protect your information and follow all regulations.
Do you offer group tutoring sessions?Believing in the need to adjust to each student’s personal learning style and individual academic goals, we provide one-on-one tutoring lessons.
How often should I schedule tutoring sessions?The frequency of tutoring sessions depends on your needs and schedule. We recommend scheduling sessions on a regular basis to ensure consistent progress. Our academic team will help you determine the right number of lessons needed to achieve your individual goals.
What subjects do you offer tutoring services for?We offer tutoring services for a wide range of subjects including maths, physics, chemistry, biology, English and more.
What is an FAQ section?An FAQ section can be used to quickly answer common questions about you or your business, such as “Where do you ship to?”, “What are your opening hours?” or “How can I book a service?” It’s a great way to help people navigate your site and can even boost your site’s SEO.
What payment methods do you accept?We accept payment through all credit cards. All payments are made through our secure payment system. In order to proceed with a payment, go to our account.
When does my package expire?Packages do not have an expiration date. However if you stop using your package for some time and there is a change of fees, you will be required to cover the excess amount to be able to continue using your package.
If I want to use Pay As You Go payment method, when do I have to complete the payment for the lesson?All payments must be completed at least 24 hours prior to the lesson for it to be scheduled and confirmed.
Can I get a refund if I am unsatisfied with the quality of the lessons?Lessons that have already taken place are non-refundable but we will do everything we can to meet your needs and solve any problems.
If I purchase a package and do not use it fully, can I get a refund?All packages that have already been purchased are non-refundable.
If I do not get along with my tutor, can I get assigned to a new one?We will do our best to assign you with a new tutor in case there are any difficulties working with the one who has been initially matched with you.
What is your rescheduling and cancellation policy?We have a flexible attendance policy. You can cancel or reschedule a session up to 24 hours before the scheduled start time once a month without any penalty. However, if cancelled less than 24 hours before the session, you will be charged for a full lesson.
What happens if I have a last minute emergency and cannot attend a lesson?Please log-in and cancel the lesson on the platform. If the lesson is cancelled 24 hours or less before the start of it, it will not be refunded.
Can I request additional sessions if I need more help?Yes, you can request additional sessions if needed. Our tutors are available for both short-term and long-term tutoring. Our administration team will help you with scheduling.
How will the tutor communicate with me during the session?Our tutors communicate with students using our online platform, which includes video call integration, comment text box, virtual whiteboards, and other interactive tools.
How will I know if my child is making progress?Our tutors regularly assess your child's progress and provide monthly progress reports that can be accessed through your account.
What happens if I have technical difficulties during the session?Our customer support team is available to assist you with any technical issues you may encounter during the session. If there are technical difficulties from the tutor’s side, we advise you to reschedule the session. There are no charges associated with cancelation/reschedule if our tutor is encountering technical difficulties.
XXI a. standartus atitinkanti papildomo ugdymo akademija
Mindaugo g. 14, Vilnius
Antakalnio g. 48A, Vilnius
Maironio g. 28, Kaunas
Darbo valandos
Mokyklos darbo laikas:
I-V: 8:00-21:00
VI-VII: 9:00-21:00
Administracijos darbo laikas:
I-V: 8:00-17:00
VI-VII: nedirbame
Sekite mus
© 2023 Alfa Klasė